Tuesday, January 13

why is my reflection someone I don't know?

a: Khloe, you're not really close to anyone. You know that if anything serious happened, you'd have very few places to go. And all would cry, but none would care.
b: Stop talking to me.
a: Oh please. You can't ignore it. It's always in the back of your mind. Always has been.
b: I'm not close to people for a reason.
a: Is it a legitamite reason, though? Or do you just not want people close enough to see what you really are?
b: And what am I?
a: Your greatest fear is that you're exactly what you think you are, so you tell me.
b: I'm only worried that I'll never be a normally 'functioning' individual, and I'll always tell you everything.
a: You have people to tell other than me.
b: Yes, and then they have people to tell.
a: Everyone isn't like that.
b: I'd rather not find out who is and who isn't.



Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with talking to yourself. If I didn' have myself to talk to, I would have held zero conversations today. Except for the one with my art teacher. And you always have me. I love you. We're lonely, but we're fine.

Ryan HL said...

Im here too. But at the moment I believe that Im too far into myself to pay much attention at the outside world. And talkin to urself.. the greatest gift of being the only child