Everyone remembers the tragic memoir [The Diary of Anne Frank], yes? Well, if you've read the book (which anyone who passed the sixth grade should have) you'll understand how amazing and disturbing it was to look through the eyes of a young Jewish girl experiencing the Holocaust while maturing. There are a few iconic scenes that feature Anne getting her period and 'testing' her sexuality with another young girl. (If I'm not mistaken, although my memory is prone to failure and fabrication) And now ... guess which company has the rights to produce a new film adaptation?

The same company who brought us such gems as The Lion King, Peter Pan, and Snow White! Hoo-fucking-rah. Disney is known for 'adapting' tales originally written by The Brothers Grimm for a much younger audience. In the process, they remove the initial charm of the tales and we're left with a story about a little girl sneaking and eating bears' porridge with no repercussions. (In the original story, the bears slammed Goldilocks' ass onto a church steeple for eating their shit.) Can't say I'm looking forward to this...
The same company who brought us such gems as The Lion King, Peter Pan, and Snow White! Hoo-fucking-rah. Disney is known for 'adapting' tales originally written by The Brothers Grimm for a much younger audience. In the process, they remove the initial charm of the tales and we're left with a story about a little girl sneaking and eating bears' porridge with no repercussions. (In the original story, the bears slammed Goldilocks' ass onto a church steeple for eating their shit.) Can't say I'm looking forward to this...
Walt Disney was a known anti-Semitic though...wtf?
I'm sure my school redacted all of the parts about sexuality in the books they gave us to read in 6th grade, the orthodox bastards. I'm sure they'll love being able to show this movie instead of having to worry that they missed a dirty word with their sharpies.
We watched the original film in school after reading the book, and my teacher fast forwarded through the portions where Anne kissed her friend and got her period. Obviously, I went to Catholic school.
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