Monday, April 20

you know what?

That talk really did make me feel better. It made me feel so much better about myself that upon entering my home, a little danced was done. Booty poppin', fo sho. It's weird though, because we didn't really talk about anything. It just felt good to have some sort of release from all of this bullshit I'm surrounded by. I'm at a place where everyone claims they're so 'real' and that they're the most honest, when really, they're full of the most shit. Like a shitbag! Bags full of poop.

You can't be honest if you only reveal parts of a story that you want heard, or tell different versions of a tale. Wtf is up with that anyway? Why lie about things that don't matter? We allll lie (it's a human quality), so why can't we just choose to lie about the things that actually matter? Let's lie and say we ... Ha, I can't think of any justifiable lie.

Spring Break was damned great. The best one out of my high school yea's! Although that doesn't say much.

Redheads are so interesting. All of 'em.

The more thought I lend to it, the more I realize I care so very little about so many. Most people don't give me any reason to. Just because we chat every now and again doesn't really make us friends. People throw that word around too much.

Prom seems suck-worthy.

Complexity seems to be my bestest friend. No more sleep for me. Those daily nightmares are coming back. Plus, I'll get more done/do work period.

Lmaoooo. This bitch on Rock of Love looks terribleeee!

The government is going to use this generation's desire for fame against it. Most people under the age of 22 have a Facebook profile, a blog, and a twitter! Not to mention the other miscellaneous websites that offer profiling services. All it takes is a click and suddenly -BAM- someone thinks they know you. I add you on Facebook, go through your photos, look at your profile, then I make assumptions about you and think I have a good gauge about who you are as a person.

You Know What is my favorite song from Seeing Sounds. (India, keep yo comment to yourself, lol)

Sunday, April 19

The one thing I have always needed in my life is motivation. Proper motivation, anyway. People calculating the cost of failure is absolutely futile to me, as I've convinced myself I'm not worth a damn thing anyway. There needs to be someone who refuses to listen to my excuses, and makes me do my work. Yes, I should have some sort of self-discipline. That isn't any justification for the lack of help I've been receiving though. I wish it were that Friday where I never have to come back to anything.
Mobile blogging is a go!

Saturday, April 18

sky might fall.

The sky might fall, but I'm not worried at all. ^_^

Even when things look their bleakest, I know that I've still got tons to lose and therefore, tons to gain.
[real blog coming later]

Monday, April 6


These last "few" days haven't been the best.
[Although my weekend was absolutely amazing. But, by ''few'', I'm covering a much larger distance in terms of day span] I confessed my 'sin' to Dexter.

It took quite a while for me to do so, but I did it. My options were to hide it from him for as long as time permitted, or to be honest with him and myself, and I didn't take the easy route.


It bothers me that even as your words hurt me, you continue to use the most condescending tone imaginable to 'put me into my place'. It wasn't an interrogation or an accusation, or anything besides a gauge of how much you really cared. Apparently, you care very little. Should I have expected otherwise, though? Maybe I mistook this friendship for something unrealistic. Maybe it was too much to expect someone to respond to you, or to be 'affectionate'. It was far too reaching to ask for understanding. Silly goose, I am.

Sudoku has taken over my life. Numbers swirl around in patterns when my lids close.

Today, I realized that after seeing Janelle Monae, Gym Class Heroes, and N.E.R.D over the course of my weekend, I'd have to walk through snow and negative temperatures to attend a representation of the sub-par DPS educational system. FML