Saturday, February 21

how deep is your love?

First things first; I was suspended from school on Wednesday (February 18) for 'insubordination' from Ms. Cocks. Honestly, I'd love to be mature about this situation and say that I deserved it, but ... we all know that's not going to happen. FUCKETH YOUETH, MS. COCKS. She claims she saw me in the office, and we shared glances, then I skipped her class. Whomp whomp, trick. I went to Pre-Lims to take photos for Newspaper (since no one else was, apparently). Upon my return, I planned to explain to her the situation before our class period began. BUT NO. I was told to go to the office during C hour, then was informed of my suspension ... by Ms. Jackson. :|

Surely, you're kidding me. Not only was this a case of TRUANCY, but why am I being informed of my suspension by someone other than the person suspending me?! Especially someone as rude as she. It got absolutely ridiculous and my tolerance for unfunny ridiculousness is unbearably low. I'm released to go to lunch, then my other classes (including Cocks and Walker). I speak to my english teacher about the situation (Yes, Ms. Hyde is actually wonderful) and she encourages me to speak to Cocks in a calm manner. I try to find Cocks, to no avail, so I head to lunch. Ms. Jackson abrasively taps on my shoulder when I get there, and tells me to get my coat. ("YOU'SE GOIN' HOME. GETCHO COAT." was how it sounded.)


My blog completely broke here. Fuck my life.
I really want to be honest with you; completely express how I feel without there being negative repercussions. But that can't be. Nope, nope. I don't regret anything, even though I probably should ... hmph. Maybe that's a problem. Or the problem.
I'm working on being more honest. :)

How deep is your love, how deep is your love
I really need to learn
Because we're living in a world of fools, breaking us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me

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