Sunday, November 9


On Tuesday, I'm heading to [shudders] that place to get my ear gauging shit.
And I'm going to gauge my goddamn ears. I think I'm going to start with a '16, and progress to about a '10. Maybe.

Don't like it?
Good, that's what I was expecting

Think I'm hoping on a bandwagon?
You might just be right, but I'd rather be on this bandwagon than the one you're on.

Think I'm representing myself as a whiny emo brat?
Hello, Taqee. :)


Sage has a blog that is marvelous. Go read it.


Anonymous said...

Giggidy, giggidy, goooo. Alright!

ess.jay said...

I think you're just being Khloe. :]
I loves me some body modification. Though my obsession with jewelry prevents me from ever actually growing the balls to gauge my ears.

daphne bee. said...

I don't like it .

But I guess I'll just get used to it !

Khloe LaRoux. said...

Bonnie, I have three holes so I can gauge mine ANDDDDD still have my obsession.

I can't imagine having to throw out my boxes and boxes of earrings for this.
Oh no.

& Kieona, it's gonna be pretty small!

Tee Vee said...


Loo. said...

I can picture it.
It`d be cute.
Just don`t start wearing Tripps and you`re good.

ashxcore said...

That's a hella small gauge. It'll be cool.
I've wanted my ears 2ga for a while, but I don't wear my hair where anyone can see it anyhow.

Ryan HL said...


Khloe LaRoux. said...

India, I'm realllyyy shocked that you think it'd be nice!
Idk why, lmao.

& Ashlee, the 2ga is ... whoa. Tooooo big for my little ole ears. :(
You should start wearing your hair back, though!
I remember you saying you couldn't do something else because of your hair...Hm.

Chmy said...

You know what?
I think it might be really cute, like, really!