In life, people try to fit in.
It's a natural human want, to be accepted and acknowledged by a social group that they feel is deserving. You can not deny it, for it is a primal instinct.
No one wants to be disliked by the entire world.
No one wants to be alienated from the entire world.
To make this simple: humans are (very) social creatures, therefore depriving them of a necessity makes them suffer from lunacy.
Now to make my point:
I definitely get tired of seeing people everywhere trying to be 'nerds', 'geeks', 'dorks', 'different', 'weird', 'preps', 'punks', blah. I understand that in high school, it can be very difficult to find yourself but in the process, don't do shit that you don't enjoy.
[looks at Michael Boone]
If you have no real sense of style and you're just a tee and jeans kinda person, ACCEPT THAT!
If you throw on whatever's clean, SAY THAT! ACCEPT IT! EMBRACE IT!
Every single person is not 'different'.
This seems to be a foreign concept.
I'm not trying to be different.
I won't even say that I am.
People just consider it odd that I don't fucking like Ed Hardy (TRASH TRASH TRASH), love the Salvation Army, listen to music you've never heard of, make faces that don't make sense, see the world in colors that don't exist, and that my heart beats for a mothership that never come.
So, since 'different' is in, I'll be a fucking loser.
That's what I've always been.
I'm that kid you ostracize, not the kid you ask for shopping tips you fucking coons!
Just trying to be au naturale.
And that takes testing.
People grow up.
In my mind, things don't have to make sense.
But nowadays, it's cool for things not to make sense.
It's awesome if your clothes don't match, or if you wear two different shoes.
Bitch, I've been doing that since day one! Not because it was cool but because I'm poor and lazy!
I don't really know who this is directed towards anymore.
In short, I guess I'm a fucking loser because I'm cultured.
I suppose that's what 'weird' really means.
Someone who has an affinity for something you don't really know anything about.
& I updated the links on the side of my page, and I think you should look at ALL of them ... and if you have Firefox, add StumbleUpon. I've been stumbling (upon, ha) blogs all day and reading them .... don't tell anybody.
* If you're looking for an explanation as to 'yo | snowstorm', well, yo was because I put yo in my header and snowstorm = you've got me.
You should download She & Him's Volume One. My love Zooey's on vocals.
is love, yes.
Yay for teh natural khlo!
I lubb dat hoe!
Psh, nigga - looks like you already got the hang of layouts, yes?
Very good post.
- handclap
Lmao China, I have no clue about layouts! My 'layout' is the product of me being good with arranging photos!
& Thank you [bows]
All of these freshman/sophomores (the `11s) keep pestering people with tips on how to become punks, because they were tired of being thugs. :|
I told you to remind me about She & Him that day we saw them in Fader! Thanks for reminding me you butthole!
That wasn't them in Fader!
That was ... High Places!
Still didn't remind you though, oops.
Know who`s awesome ?
Me .
Lmao, just joshin` ya .
I really hate the 'weird = cool' trend .
And I find it to be really funny that You can always tell that someone is just TRYING to be 'weird', and they end up looking mucho dumb-o .
Like Ed Hardy underwear .
.. [returns underwear]
Kieona ... I'm not even gonna ask why you had my underwear. Nope.
& China: Fuck 'different' people, maine!
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