Monday, July 7

warwick avenue.

[looks around]
there's dust and shit all over here.
It's just a lot easier to blog when you have something to talk about.
lately, I've just been happy.
In case you're not in the 'know', Dexter's my boyfriend now.
Don't expect too much mushy shit from me, because that's not how I am.
And it scares me a bit to be attached to him.

Anyway, this blog is about my tat!
I have not asked anyone for anything for my birthday.
As 'homo' as it is, I really have everything I could want.
I have the greatest friends I could ask for.
Even though they may piss me off, and they have their flaws, they're perfect for ME.
I'm comfortable enough to drop trou in front of them, and to poop in their houses!
Seems stupid, but that's srs lubb.

So ... the only thing I asked my MOM for was my tattoo.
I've wanted it since I was 13, roughly. That's 4 years of wanting!
I want my birthdate in roman numerals via my wrist.
I'm sure you're sitting there thinking ... 'This broad is dumb. That's a dumb tat.'
Now, I'm not going to try and change your opinion. Not my job.
But, the tattoo would mean something to me.
Obviously, it's my birthday. But, if you examine it from a semi-creationist perspective, you'd realize that without something as simple as a number, you technically would not exist.
If on that number (your 'birth' day), nothing happened ... the world kept spinning normally without your fruition coming in, you'd not be able to read this!
To me, the tattoo (somewhat) represents the fragility of life, and how simplistic things can at least partially represent you.
Additionally, if you're not into the whole meaning behind tats, my body is a canvas.
I am the artist.
I have the creativity and will to paint, color, massacre, beautify, or destroy my canvas as I please.

My mother disagrees.
She suggested I move it to another place, so that in the future, I won't be discriminated against for my tattoo's placement.
Whilst I agree that tattoos can hinder you from certain jobs, I'm not sure if I want to work in any place where they'll discriminate based on how I design my canvas. I'm definitely not suited for the 'corporate' world regardless.

So, if I have to move it, I'm gonna be PISSED.
I don't even think I'll get my birth date anymore.
My mom suggested / commanded I move it to my hips.
If I get ANYTHING there, it won't be my birth date.

So, keep updated.

My birthday's in 4 days!

[Me thinks it's time for a new layout]

1 comment:

.Zen said...

scared me not to see you and dex here lmao
but the canvas thing is hott shit
and i wanna go with ye to get it !!