For all purposes, his name is Jorge.
Don't ask why: since I don't exactly have a reason, lmao.
Let me just say that I've seriously liked Jorge pretty much since we first started speaking to each other[which was in ... November?] He's just so ... easy to talk to. Even if he isn't listening, he'll look like it. I've told so many people that I didn't like him, or that I don't want to. The latter is true. I don't want to like him. It's too consuming. I get tired of questioning if someone likes me or not, when I genuinely believe they don't. It's just so HARD to get people to tell you the truth these days, though.
Jorge, Jorge, Jorge.
Plus, even if Jorge DID like me, that'd be ... it.
We wouldn't get into a relationship with each other.
Because of who he's friends with, and who I'm friends with.
Since I like ALL people, and his friends like ... the 'popular' kids, there's a problem.
I accept all people [except for those named Jessica Crenshaw :D].
His friends don't, though. His friends only accept those similar to them.
And there's no point in me being in a relationship with someone who's friends are just gonna fry thee fuck out of me all the time. I can take jokes, but when you're serious ... bitch, please.
Don't ask why: since I don't exactly have a reason, lmao.
Let me just say that I've seriously liked Jorge pretty much since we first started speaking to each other[which was in ... November?] He's just so ... easy to talk to. Even if he isn't listening, he'll look like it. I've told so many people that I didn't like him, or that I don't want to. The latter is true. I don't want to like him. It's too consuming. I get tired of questioning if someone likes me or not, when I genuinely believe they don't. It's just so HARD to get people to tell you the truth these days, though.
Jorge, Jorge, Jorge.
Plus, even if Jorge DID like me, that'd be ... it.
We wouldn't get into a relationship with each other.
Because of who he's friends with, and who I'm friends with.
Since I like ALL people, and his friends like ... the 'popular' kids, there's a problem.
I accept all people [except for those named Jessica Crenshaw :D].
His friends don't, though. His friends only accept those similar to them.
And there's no point in me being in a relationship with someone who's friends are just gonna fry thee fuck out of me all the time. I can take jokes, but when you're serious ... bitch, please.
I said I'd let things play out.
I said that in January.
Now it's fucking May and NOTHING HAS PLAYED OUT.
.... Then there's .... ah, fuck it, his name's Rodney.
Cool as SHIT.
Didn't have to force myself to like him.
Didn't have to stop being a weird ass in front of him.
He wants to fuck. [sorry, blunt.]
And as bad as it is, so do I.
I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do.
But, I'm not going to.
Not until I'm sure that we'll still be friends afterwards.
I'm not about to lose a friend over buttsex.
Lmao, since I'm rambling, let's talk about KYLIE.

I'll say nothing else about him.
But anyway, today wasn't memorable for shit, aside from Jorge acting strangely towards me.
Fck you, nigger. I can act strangely too!
Lmao, g'bye.
I said that in January.
Now it's fucking May and NOTHING HAS PLAYED OUT.
.... Then there's .... ah, fuck it, his name's Rodney.
Cool as SHIT.
Didn't have to force myself to like him.
Didn't have to stop being a weird ass in front of him.
He wants to fuck. [sorry, blunt.]
And as bad as it is, so do I.
I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy do.
But, I'm not going to.
Not until I'm sure that we'll still be friends afterwards.
I'm not about to lose a friend over buttsex.
Lmao, since I'm rambling, let's talk about KYLIE.
I'll say nothing else about him.
But anyway, today wasn't memorable for shit, aside from Jorge acting strangely towards me.
Fck you, nigger. I can act strangely too!
Lmao, g'bye.
LMFAO . The Dream/
Kylie reference has me
declared ded .
Wow...this is really good...:)
I accept all people [except for those named Jessica Crenshaw :D].
oh the hilarity
and jorge ....
i can`t even say anything about him cuz what ur feeling is what u SHOULD be feeling
so screw him in the butt
no lube, nigguh
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