Sunday, May 25

Kanye West suggests that you don't complain without offering a solution ...
My complaint: Everyone is so negative and down about
what's 'wrong' with their life. Every single person
experiences pain. What makes yours greater than
another's suffering? What makes your heartache
greater than the stomachache of a starving child in
Africa? It doesn't. As the human race, we all suffer.
But, it 'burns my britches' when people complain
about petty shit. (And don't get it mistaken, when I say
shit like "I`m not pretty", it's not a complaint ; it's
a personal viewpoint.)

Anyway ... complaining about petty shit.
What the hell? Why are you complaining
that you don't have nice enough clothes when
you could be in the hospital, going through
chemotherapy? Please, people, be thankful
for what you have, not what you don't.
If you live in the 'could be`s', you'll forget
what is.

Sorry, this blog's long.

Ok, not too long ago, someone who I consider myself close to
admitted that they liked me. His name shall only be disclosed
as 'Pencil'. & I liked Pencil. Keyword: liked.
Don't get me wrong: he's flatout amazing. Any girl who has
the opportunity to date him will be a lucky bitch.
But the thing is ... I don't know if I deserve to be that person.
I'm absolutely mad/bonks, and I don't think he's capable of handling
it all. I'm not going to put that on him. I don't fault him for it.
So, to Pencil, I'm sorry I didn't say this TO you, but eyy, it's been said.
You'll still always have a place in my heart, but as of the here & now:
we aren't gonna work.

Then, there's someone else. He doesn't even get a nickname.
"He don't even got a name, he just lives in my brain."
Even if we never work, or nothing happens, or you
end up seeing me like your little sister, guess what,
fuckhead? I'm still gonna like you. You're too amazing
for me not to. I know it seems like I throw the word amazing
around, but I only use it for people who deserve it.
& You do, sire. So, for now, you have a tiny piece of my heart.
Break it if you feel the necessity.
But, the cards are on YOUR table. I'm open for a game of poker.


Anonymous said...

funny how you used the term 'Pencil' did u 'pencil dick'

daphne bee. said...

Who da hell is
Pencil ?
Hmm ..
Oh, btw .
Don`t say 'burns my
britches' . Ever again, acually .

& yes .. we all complain
about the irrelevant sometimes,
simply because we fail to understand
the severity of things WORTH being upset about ..

.Zen said...

complaints about petty shit .
there`s NO way possible ANYONE can be appreciative ALL the time
that`s just not the way humans operate
sure, complaining about petty shit isn`t admirable
but the small things seem big to those who feel burdened by them

Anonymous said...

I knos a pencil
I think I kno the one without a nickname too

Petty shyt is irritatating only to the outsiders bcuz to those that complaint it means the world to them
while this may only b cuz there not considering the bigger picture, the same thing cud b said in reverse for ppl who ignore petty shit and consoder only the bigger scale of things when in reality the grand scheme of things has SHIT to do with fixing the petty prob
I'm just saying that petty shitt is only pointless to those not directly affected and the starving kid in Africa won't help a clothless child in America, only cuz even if the kid in Africa had food, if the clothless kid in US whole heartedly felt that the petty shit was a burden, africa boy has no relavence to him

Its all POV I guess

(eyeen feel like logging in)

Khloe LaRoux. said...

I'm not asking anyone to be appreciative all of the time.
But, in the practice of Henry Thoreau, if you keep complaining about little shit, you don't end up living your life, just complaining about it.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Khloe, how I do miss thee.

daphne bee. said...

I agrees with
Chanel .

Khloe LaRoux. said...

& to clarify a bit moar:

If you knew someone who always complained about their wardrobe, but had like a zillion clothes, that'd be petty, correct?

How can that NOT be petty? In what sense of the word is it NOT petty to complain about something so ... minute?

Khloe LaRoux. said...

& who art thou, anonymous?
I assume you to be Mookiff.

daphne bee. said...

I also agrees
with Dexter !