Tuesday, May 27

It's Finals time yet again.
And after this first final, I'm feeling fucking robbed.
Between my personal knowledge and
that study sheet, I COULDN'T GOTTEN A B.
But no. She had to make it 150 questions.
And she had to give us our scantrons 45
minutes into class.

So, at this point, I've come to this conclusion:
why do I care??
These finals do not determine my IQ, how successful
I am, how successful I'll be in the future, or any
aspect of my life.
I'm not saying that I give up, but ehh...fuck a final.

In the meantime, I'm happy.
Why? Because.
Yup. =]
rngtinyitgnyh !


Anonymous said...

Ow, now, brown, cow...OW NOW BROWN COW

Anonymous said...

If the study sheet is really a cheat sheet then its your own fault because cheaters really never do win. If the test was open book/note then it is still your fault. If you studied a head of time the test would be much easier. Final exams do help determine how successful you are because if you fail the class then colleges will not want to accept you. Hope that helps. :)

~~ xXLizzyBotXx

PS: Even if you did cheat I hope you pass. Finals suck.

Khloe LaRoux. said...

We were allowed to make 'cheat sheets' that were filled with information that we could use on the test.

& I did study ahead of time. Twas implied. =]

But thanks for the comment & advice!